Mastering the Moves: Top 5 Ways to Retain What You Learn in Jiu-Jitsu

Coach Fabian Ortiz supervising two student during a no-gi class at Del Mar Jiu-Jitsu ClubEver felt that frustrated feeling after class? You learned a slick armbar variation, but by next week it’s a hazy memory. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us! Jiu-Jitsu is a complex art with a vast ocean of techniques to navigate. But fear not, fellow grapplers! Here at Del Mar Jiu-Jitsu Club, we want to help you ride the wave of knowledge and truly retain what you learn.

So, how can you solidify those hard-earned skills? Check out our top 5 tips:

1. Be Present, Be Focused: This might seem obvious, but it’s key. During class, ditch distractions and actively engage. Ask questions, listen intently, and visualize the movements. The more present you are, the stronger the initial memory connection will be.

2. Take Detailed Notes (But Don’t Overdo It): Not everyone’s a note-taking whiz, but jotting down key points after class can be a game-changer. Focus on the core mechanics, pressure points, and transition details. Drawings or quick video snippets on your phone can also be helpful. Remember, though, don’t get bogged down – a few key points are better than a novel!

3. Drill, Drill, Drill!: Repetition is the mother of skill in Jiu-Jitsu. Dedicating extra time outside of class to drilling the techniques you learned will ingrain them in your muscle memory. Ask a training partner or use resistance bands to simulate real-world scenarios.

4. Explain it to Teach it: One of the best ways to solidify your understanding is to explain the technique to someone else. Whether it’s to a training partner or a friend who wouldn’t know a guard from a lapel, verbalizing the steps clarifies your own knowledge and helps you identify areas that might be fuzzy.

5. Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination: Jiu-Jitsu is a lifelong pursuit, and retaining information is an ongoing process. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t click immediately. Consistent training, drilling, and a positive attitude are the keys to unlocking your Jiu-Jitsu potential.

Remember, Del Mar Jiu-Jitsu Club is here to support you on your grappling journey. Our instructors are always happy to answer questions and provide additional guidance. So, put on your gi, hit the mats, and let’s retain those techniques together!

Join us for a tour of our facilities and sign up for a free trial class here!